“It’s not just a simple error… It’s a gigantic one that just messed up an entire universe.”



“Everyone, stay back!” 


Fumes of smoke billowed out of a narrow alleyway, as a sludge villain cackled manically amid all the chaos. (Y/N) watched amusedly from above one of the buildings in the vicinity, unseen and unbothered, swinging her legs back and forth while eating a crèpe. 


Summoning a hologram, (Y/N) decided that the villain would be a fairly powerful one to add to her index of villains, or rather, what she called “Villaindex”. And so she decided to capture him after the heroes showed up to finish up the job.


However, upon seeing none other than All Might show up, only then did (Y/N) realize that the sludge villain was suffocating a schoolboy. Her reflexes took over as (Y/N) jumped down from the building, reaching for the boy, and then after grabbing him and slinging him over her shoulder, proceeded to sprint mid-air, digital platforms forming under her feet with each step, fading away shortly after.


Dropping the boy off at the entrance of the alleyway, just a few feet from the police, (Y/N) brought her index and middle finger to her forehead did a “reverse salute” and stuck her tongue out, winking at the boy, before glitching out into a mere holographic illusion. 


(Y/N) teleported (or rather, glitched) back to her original spot on the building she was on, finishing up her crèpe as All Might arrived and managed to catch the sludge villain off guard, who was visibly confused at what the hell just happened– not to say the civilians and police weren’t.


After All Might finished up the job, he was about to give the villain to the police when (Y/N) snapped her fingers and the villain was decompressed into a file and corporealized into a cube (she had stuck a marking on the villain’s back before running off with the boy that allowed her to snap her fingers and compress the villain immediately). 


The cube faded away and landed in (Y/N)’s hands. (Y/N) did a little happy clap as she left, cube in hand, as a navy hologram popped up before her, a small compartment appearing. (Y/N) inserted the cube and dusted her hands off, leaving All Might and the police standing there awkwardly in the alleyway, staring at what used to be a villain, now pure and refreshing oxygen. 


Needless to say, (Y/N) attracted unwanted attention on the news the day after, much to her dismay. Thankfully, they didn’t get a look at her face, so she was still anonymous.




A Simple Error (A (Y/N) x MHA Adventure) - Error One; A Nameless Beginning


A Simple Error (A (Y/N) x MHA Adventure) - Error Two; Some Wretched Quirk Testing That Leaves the Audience Amazed


A Simple Error (A (Y/N) x MHA Adventure) - Error Three; Ice and, well, Something




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